lundi Décembre 19, 2022

Perspectives d’avenir : La voie à suivre pour l’hydrogène au Canada

Résumé du webinaire

L’Accélérateur de Transition, une organisation caritative qui guide les décideurs afin de préparer un avenir durable pour le Canada, a organisé une table ronde dans le cadre de la série de webinaires « Pathways to Net Zero ». Le 19 décembre 2022, des experts internationaux se sont réunis pour discuter des développements récents et des visions d’économies d’avenir pour l’hydrogène. Bien que l’hydrogène soit largement considéré comme un élément essentiel de la carboneutralité future, les opinions divergent quant aux marchés qu’il desservira, aux technologies qui devraient être déployées et à l’ampleur de l’infrastructure nécessaire à la production, au transport, au stockage et à l’utilisation de l’hydrogène. Les panélistes ont abordé divers sujets, tels que les avantages dont dispose le Canada pour devenir un leader de la production d’hydrogène vert, le potentiel de l’hydrogène pour le chauffage et le développement de parcs éoliens en mer pour la production d’hydrogène.

Lire le résumé complet du webinaire en anglais

Personnes invitées

David Layzell

Université de Calgary
David Layzell is a professor and director of the Canadian Energy Systems Analysis Research (CESAR) initiative at the University of Calgary. He began his academic career as a professor of biology (cross-appointments in the Schools of Environmental Studies and Public Policy) at Queen’s University, generated an international reputation and was elected as a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC). Over the past 20+ years his interdisciplinary research efforts have focused on exploring and defining transition pathways capable of moving Canada to a more sustainable future. His work has led directly to the activities of The Transition Accelerator.

Personnes invitées

Maira Kusch

Conseil mondial de l'énergie - Allemagne

Maira Kusch is Head of Office at World Energy Council – Germany (Weltenergierat–Deutschland e.V.). Before joining the WEC network, Maira worked as Senior Consultant for energy, environment and mobility at the EPA European Berlin Brüssel Political Affairs GmbH, a strategic consultancy based in Berlin, and as Policy Advisor for Matthias Groote, MEP in the Committee on the Environment of the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg. She holds a Master’s degree in International Studies / Peace and Conflict Research and a Bachelor’s degree in European Studies. Maira is co-author of the book “Flüssiggas und BioLPG in der Energiewende” (“The Role of Liquefied Petroleum Gas and BioLPG in the Energy Transition”), published in 2020.


Elisa Obermann

Marine Renewables

Elisa joined Marine Renewables Canada in 2012 and has been the executive director since 2015. In this role she works to facilitate technology innovation in the sector by advocating for supportive policies, identifying international business development opportunities, and enhancing the capacity of the local supply chain. Elisa has also designed and led numerous engagement and outreach activities to grow knowledge and support for marine renewable energy development. Elisa holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Masters in Public Administration from Dalhousie University.


Greg Caldwell


Greg Caldwell is director of Utility Hydrogen Strategy at ATCO Gas. He is a registered professional engineer, educated at the University of Alberta, specializing in Petroleum Engineering. He also holds a CPA designation. Caldwell’s professional experience consists of engineering, accounting, and regulatory work in the Energy Industry. His focus since 2012 has been in the areas of Business Technology, Utility Regulation, and Innovation.

Currently participating on national and international committees with the Canadian Gas Association, he also serves as the Canadian Chair of the International Gas Union’s (IGU) Research, Development and Innovation Committee, as well as on the Energy Transition Advisory Committee, which advises the City of Edmonton on methods to implement their community energy strategy.


Dr. Bruno Pollet

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Bruno is Professor of Chemistry at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Deputy Director of the UQTR Institute for Hydrogen Research (IHR), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Energy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He is President of the Green Hydrogen Division of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE). He is a member of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET): An Independent Advisory Council to the United Nations’ Secretary-General. He is President of the Green Hydrogen Division of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy. He was awarded two prestigious NSERC Tier 1 Canada Research Chair on Green Hydrogen Production, and the Innergex Renewable Energy Research Chair focussing on the next generation of hydrogen production and water electrolysers.



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