mercredi Novembre 30, 2022

Capture et stockage du carbone : Une trajectoire vers la carboneutralité ou un mirage ?

L’Accélérateur de Transition a organisé une série de webinaires intitulée “Pathways to Net Zero” et le premier panel de la série a discuté du rôle de la capture et de la séquestration du carbone (CSC) le 30 novembre 2022.

Résumé du webinaire

Les panélistes étaient Bonnie Drozdowski (Innotech Alberta), Emily Eaton (Université de Regina), Christina Hoicka (Université de Victoria) et James Millar (International CCS Knowledge Centre). Les panélistes ont discuté des avantages et des inconvénients du CSC en tant que voie d’accès à l’énergie nette zéro. La modératrice, Sara Hastings-Simon (Université de Calgary), a souligné la nécessité d’actions politiques et d’investissements pour faire avancer la carboneutralité au Canada. Les panélistes se sont accordés sur l’urgence de réduire les émissions du Canada, mais ne sont pas parvenus à un consensus sur la priorité à accorder au CSC pour faire progresser le Canada vers l’objectif de zéro émissions carbonées. Certains participants ont souligné que le CSC pourrait être utile dans les industries non productrices d’énergie comme le ciment et l’acier, mais d’autres ont exprimé leur réticence à l’égard des investissements dans le CSC et ont suggéré d’investir davantage d’argent dans des technologies qui peuvent faire progresser les technologies propres. Les panélistes ont également discuté de l’importance de la certitude politique et des investissements fédéraux dans les technologies propres pour parvenir à la carboneutralité.

Lire le résumé complet en anglais

Personnes invitées

Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon

Université de Calgary
Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon is an assistant professor in the department of physics and astronomy and school of public policy at the University of Calgary where she directs the Masters of Science in Sustainable Energy Development. She is a macro energy system researcher and her work is focused on understanding how low-carbon energy transitions happen within different sectors of the economy, and how policy responses can improve outcomes. Sara is also co-founder and co-host of Energy vs Climate a webinar and podcast that explores the energy transition in Canada, and beyond. She is the chair of the panel for Clean Growth with the Canadian Climate Choices Institute and a member of the board of directors of Emissions Reduction Alberta and the Pembina Institute.

Personnes invitées

Bonnie Drozdowski

Director of Environmental Services, InnoTech Alberta

Bonnie Drozdowski is the Director of Environmental Services at InnoTech Alberta. She has a decade of experience in managing and participating in multifaceted projects including integrating business and science to generate creative practical solutions and opportunities in the environmental industry in Canada, including the industries of upstream oil and gas, mineable and in-situ oil sands, coal mining, sand and gravel, diamond mining, forestry, pulp and paper, and waste management.


Dr. Emily Eaton

Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Regina

Dr. Emily Eaton is a Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Regina, in Treaty Four. She is a white settler doing research, teaching, and service devoted to addressing the climate and inequality crises at local and national scales and mapping pathways to transition that rectify the unjust colonial relationship that Canada has with Indigenous Peoples and marginalized communities.


Dr. Christina Hoicka

Canada Research Chair AND Associate Professor in Geography and in Civil Engineering, Urban Planning for Climate Change AND University of Victoria

Dr. Christina Hoicka holds the Canada Research Chair in Urban Planning for Climate Change and is an Associate Professor in Geography and in Civil Engineering at the University of Victoria. She studies the diffusion of low-carbon innovations and renewable energy and the justice and socio-economic benefits of a renewable energy transition.


James Millar

President & CEO, International CCS Knowledge Centre

A seasoned leader who inspires and empowers others to achieve great things, James has more than 30 years of experience in senior management positions in both the private and public sectors. He is currently President & CEO of the International CCS Knowledge Centre. James has also worked as a senior advisor for two Saskatchewan Premiers, was Director of Public Affairs for the 25,000-employee Calgary Health Region, worked closely with TC Energy’s CEO leading the Public Affairs function, served as senior advisor to both the CEO and Board Chair during Calgary’s Olympic Winter Games bid, and navigated public affairs for Pieridae Energy’s $10 billion LNG project off Canada’s East Coast.



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